I like to share with others my enthusiasm about what I discovered during my explorations. Especially if it can make people’s life easier.

These are the conferences or talks I had the pleasure to make.
- “Gitpod: la fin des frictions inutiles pour contribuer à un projet OSS ?”, DEVOXX-FR 2022 (Paris)
- “Automating Jenkins (re)Installation: Some Thoughts, Tips and Tricks”, DevOps World Lisbon , December 2019
- “Jenkins Pipeline Introduction”, (workshop) FOSDEM Brussels, February 2019
- “Pipelines & Blue Ocean 101”, (workshop) Jenkins User Conference (JUC) Paris, June 2018
- “Jenkins, la nouvelle génération”, (Lab) NightClazz Lille, December 2017
- “Jenkins, la nouvelle génération”, DevDays 2017 (Mons) , November 2017
- “Livraison Continue & BlueOcean : écrivons ensemble des Pipelines Jenkins Déclaratifs pour votre application”, (Lab), Devfest Lille, Juin 2017
- “Docker, c’est quoi st’affaire ?”, Les Jeudis du Libre (Mons), January 2017
- “Introduction to Docker for Java developers”, Brussels Java User Group (BruJUG), December 2016
- “Initiation à Docker”, Science Faculty (Luminy campus) Aix-Marseille University, one day training, November 2016
- “Docker introduction and security”, SWIFT Dev-Days 2016
- “Docker. How about the security ?”, Worldline Techforum 2016
- “Docker en Production ? Et quid de la sécurité ?”, Breizhcamp 2016
- “I had a dream, and Docker made it become true”, Worldline Techforum 2015
- “The story of Stuxnet and what it can teach us”, Worldline Techforum 2015
- “Fabriquez votre Devbox portable avec Docker”, MixIt 2015
- “Asciidoctor”, Worldline Techforum 2014